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Kappa Sigma Sigma was formed in 1916 by a group of men seeking to counter the Pi Chi influence.

Led by Leonard Cooper, the Birds aimed to uphold high ideals and foster brotherhood. Securing Sawyer Hall as our first fraternity house, we established our official colors, pin, and symbols. Through dedication and strategic alliances, we gained prominence on campus, eventually winning key positions in student governance.

Amidst the challenges of World War I, Kappa Sigma Sigma continued to grow, welcoming new members and maintaining its activities. With dedicated leadership and support from faculty members like Professor H.E. Marsh and Professor S. Guy Jones, the fraternity thrived; despite wartime circumstances.

In 1919, Fred Fagg assumed leadership, steering the fraternity towards continued success. With each passing year, Kappa Sigma Sigma cements its place as an integral part of campus life at the University of Redlands.

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