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Job Profile: Mark Pecci

Spring 2022 - Current Actives President.png


I'm Mark Pecci, a 22-year-old Computer Science student. As I prepare to enter the professional world, I'm actively seeking an internship opportunity in my field. I have a strong academic foundation and a genuine passion for computer science.

I've been exploring various job boards without much success, so I'm reaching out to expand my network and connect with professionals who have experience in computer science or related industries. If you or anyone you know can provide insights or advice, I'd greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn from your experiences.

While I've been actively involved in leadership roles, particularly as the current president of our organization, I believe that gaining practical experience through an internship will further enhance my skills. I'm excited about my senior year and look forward to building a solid foundation for my future career.

Please feel free to contact me via email at, or message me at (832) 463-8207.

Click here to see my resume.

Drink beer,
Mark Pecci

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